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Award Presentations
During Career as a Georgia State Trooper

Ron Lloyd received multiple awards for his dedicated work as a State Trooper
Commissioner's Commendation - GA State Patrol- For an untiring assault on impaired drivers
Aggresive Criminal Enforcement (ACE) Award (Twice) - GA State Patrol - For attaining the most DUI and Felony arrests for the year in his assigned area of the State
Academic Accomplishment Award - GA Governor's Office of Highway Safety - For attaining the highest academic average in his Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) class
Special Recognition Award - GA Safety Management System - For continued leadership in impaired driving initiatives
Faithful Service Award - State of Georgia - For faithful service as a State Law Enforcement Officer
Invaluable Service Award - Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) - For perfecting a significant firearms trafficking case involving weapons diverted illegally to New York from the Virgin Islands
More than 35 Letters of Commendation - For his dedicated work as a Georgia State Trooper