DUI Consulting,
Expert Testimony & Training
Call: 404-822-4003​

DUI Expert Ron Lloyd
With more than 34 years of combined experience with handling DUI alcohol and drug cases, formerly as a Georgia State Patrol Trooper (SGT) and currently as an Expert Witness in the private sector, Ron Lloyd has the expertise needed to provide your attorney with an objective review and opinion regarding your DUI case.
As a Georgia State Trooper, Ron was the Impaired Driving Training Coordinator for the Georgia State Patrol Training Division, responsible for the formal training of State Trooper Cadets in NHTSA's DUI Detection and Standardized Field Sobriety Testing (SFSTs), as well as DUI Case Preparation and Courtroom Demeanor training. He was also a IACP/NHTSA Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) Instructor, a NHTSA SFST Instructor and a member of the Georgia State Patrol's elite Alpha Team DUI Task Force.
For more than 21 years, Ron has been accepted as an Expert Witness in official court proceedings by judges on NHTSA's DUI Detection and Standardized Field Sobriety Testing (SFSTs), as well as Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) training procedures and he has never been denied by any court as an Expert Witness in this field. His expert services are available to all legal professionals nationwide.
Public Speaking
Ron Lloyd has trained thousands of professionals including law enforcement officers, judges, prosecutors, private attorneys, crime lab toxicologists and many more on impaired driving related topics from across the United States and Canada.
Mr. Lloyd was presented with an award from The National College for DUI Defense at the 2019 Winter Conference in Los Angeles, CA for his contributions and instruction on impaired driving related topics.
Mr. Lloyd was honored as one of the "Best of 2017 Highest Rated Speakers of the Year" by the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL) voted on by seminar attendees from all NACDL seminars throughout 2017.

DUI Case Consulting
DUI Expert Testimony
Impaired Driving Related Training
NOTE: We provide training using the NHTSA SFST, ARIDE and DRE curriculums and we will bring the training to your office so you don't have to travel
​Public Speaking Highlights
Ron Lloyd has made DUI related presentations for the following organizations:​​​​​​​
Georgia State Patrol
Georgia Police Academy
Institute of Continuing Judicial Education of Georgia (ICJE) at the University of Georgia
Institute of Continuing Judicial Education of Georgia (ICJE) at The National Judicial College in Reno, Nevada
National College for DUI Defense (NCDD) at Harvard University Cambridge, MA
National College for DUI Defense (NCDD) at The Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel Los Angeles, CA
National College for DUI Defense (NCDD) at the Bellagio Hotel Los Vegas, NV
National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL) at the Bellagio Hotel Las Vegas, NV
Georgia Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (GACDL) at the State Bar of Georgia Atlanta, GA
Prosecuting Attorney's Council of Georgia Atlanta, GA
Georgia Bureau of Investigations (GBI) Crime Lab Decatur, GA
Institute of Continuing Legal Education in Georgia (ICLE) at the State Bar of Georgia Atlanta, GA
Defense of Drinking Drivers Institute (DODD) at the State Bar of Georgia Atlanta, GA
Georgia Safety Management System Gainesville, GA